It seems that with the proliferation of e-mail, we get a lot of information these days. Often the e-mails that tend to circulate are funny little stories, political, religious, or theme-oriented. For the most part they are entertaining, but when we receive too many of them... they can become a bit of a nuisance.
And then there are the gun related scare-emails!
This post deals specifically with shining the light of truth on those e-mails that we get that warn us of impending doom regarding issues related to gun rights and ownership.
If I should discover an issue that truly demands action, on my part, I will shout it from the highest hill. I will notify all of my gun-friends, talk about it at gun shows, and have something about it in each of my newsletters. I'll be writing my legislative and administrative elected officials. I will fight it, and keep on fighting it.
That's the least I can do to honor my forefathers.
Below are the ones that have come to my attention over and over.
Blair Holt's Firearms and Record of Sale Act (HR45)
It is H.R. 45: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009. This bill was introduced in the 111th Congress by U. S. Rep. Bobby Rush (D IL) on Jan. 6, 2009. Failing to attract any co sponsors, it was referred for consideration to the House Committee on the Judiciary, where it now rests awaiting further action.
Currently the bill has no co-sponsors. Few legislators will touch it knowing what happened after the passage of 1994's Crime Bill that placed severe restrictions on "assault weapons" and magazines of more that 10-round capacity. In the very next election Democrats lost control of both House and Senate. So far, that bill is going nowhere!
If it was passed Blair Holt would (according to http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/blairholt.asp):
"Prohibit possession of any handguns or semiautomatic firearms that can accept detachable ammunition-feeding devices (excluding atiques) by anyone who has not been issued a firearm license.
* Require all sales of those types of firearms to go through licensed dealers.
* Direct the Attorney General to establish a run a federal record-of-sale system.
* Require the possessors of firearms to secure them (by secure gun storage or safety devices when they are kept in locales where children might be capable of gaining access to those firearms.
In order to be issued a firearm license under the provisions of the Blair Holt legislation, applicants would be required to submit the following information to the Attorney General.
1. a current passport-sized photograph of the applicant that provides a clear, accurate likeness of the applicant.
2. The name, address, and date and place of birth of the applicant.
3. any other name that the applicant has ever used or by which the applicant has ever been known.
4. a clear thumb print of the applicant, which shall be made when, and in the presence of the entity to whom, the application is submitted.
5. with respect to each category of person prohibited by Federal law, or by the law of the State of residence of the applicant, from obtaining a firearm, a statement that the individual is not a person prohibited from obtaining a firearm.
6. a certification by the applicant that the applicant will keep any firearm owned by the applicant safely stored and out of the possession of persons who have not attained 18 years of age.
7. a certificate attesting to the completion at the time of application of a written firearms examination, which shall test the knowledge and ability of the applicant regarding:
* the safe storage of firearms, particularly in the vicinity of persons who have not attained 18 years of age.
* the safe handling of firearms
* the use of firearms in the home and the risks associated with such use
* any other subjects, as the Attorney General determines to be appropriate.
8. an authorization by the applicant to release the Attorney General or an authorized representative of the Attorney General any mental health records pertaining to the applicant.
9. the date on which the application was submitted.
10. the signature of the applicant"
Blair Holt is not an issue at this time.
President Obama coming in through the "back door" with anti-gun measures by signing a UN Treaty
Lately there's been an e-mail circulating around the internet spreading concern about Obama signing a UN treaty and effectively coming in through a "back door" with his anti-gun agenda. While it is understood that his past stance on gun control is extreme and that he very well may make such agreement(s), it would be a legislative battle for such a sweeping change to take hold.
A few weeks ago I talked with the NRA/ILA about this. According to them, it's not an issue that is sneaking up on the NRA.
Yes, Obama may sign a treaty with the UN (or anyone else for that matter). In order for an agreement in a signed treaty to become effective, it must be ratified by the Senate in a 2/3rds majority vote. The Senate can ratify treaties line by line. So parts of a treaty may be ratified while other parts may not.
This is one of many situations in which Obama can assert his political leanings. But he cannot sign a treaty and simply have it enforceable the next day. This sort of thing will not be happening without us hearing a lot more about it.
Currently Democrats well remember the 1994 Crime Bill which placed huge restrictions on guns and gun ownership. They lost control of both the House and the Senate afterward.
Few, if any, Republicans will vote anti-gun and quite a few Democrats will want to be well insulated if they vote anti-gun. On a deal like this, there would have to be all Senate Democrats on board and six Senate Republicans as well. That, realistically, would probably not happen with the current legislative membership.
It's good to be aware of what's going on with the President and possible treaties, but, according to the NRA, this is not currently a reasonable concern.
No reason to be in "panic mode" at this time.
The "Gun Tax Bill" SB-2099
Over the past few months, NRA-ILA has received hundreds of e-mails warning us about "SB-2099," a bill that would supposedly require you to report all your guns on your income tax return every April 15.
Like many rumors, there's just a grain of truth to this one. Someone is recycling an old alert, which wasn't even very accurate when it was new.
There actually was a U.S. Senate bill with that number that would have taxed handgunsnine years ago. It was introduced by anti-gun Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), and it would have included handguns under the National Firearms Act's tax and registration scheme. This has nothing to do with anyone's Form 1040, of course.
Fortunately, S. 2099 disappeared without any action by the Senate, back when Bill Clinton was still in the White House. We reported about it back then, just as we report about new anti-gun bills every week. Now, it's time for gun owners to drop this old distraction and focus on the real threats at hand.
Time-sensitive Primer Chemical Change
Also there is a rumor that, past a certain point, you will not be able to buy primers that will last for more than a couple of years. The rumor is that, by law, the chemical used will become inert after a period of time. (Unlike today's primers which last for decades)
Again, after checking with NRA's ILA and the internet, I could find nothing to substantiate this rumor. That being the case, if you can find them, buy them.
Ammunition Shortage
There are also rumors that the ammo shortage is by design in an attempt to keep ammo out of the hands of American citizens. Conversely, it seems to be that the shortage is due to many of us buying everything we can get our hands on. The November 2008 election caught many gun owners off guard. With the subsequent frenzied buying spree, the effect it had on gun and ammo availability is widespread.
Rather than it being an orchestrated move on the part of anti-gunners, this is appears to be more of a supply and demand issue.
"Encoded Ammunition"/Bullet Serialization
"Encoded Ammunition" (Bullet and Cartridge Case Serialization) Means:
* Forfeiture of Currently-Owned Ammunition
* A Separate Registration for Every Box of New Ammunition
* Outrageously Expensive Ammunition Costs for Police & Private Citizens Alike
*A Waste of Taxpayer Money, Better Spent on Traditional Police Programs
Currently there is no federal legislation introduced which would put this practice into place. It is my understanding that around 17 or 18 states (None of which is Oklahoma) have legislation introduced that proposes such measures.
According to a phone call with NRA/ILA folks last summer (2009), the legislation in these states was not moving. So there's no reason for concern here either.
In 2007, the sponsor of "encoded ammunition" legislation in Maryland urged lawmakers across the country to introduce the same kind of legislation in their states. The bill would require ammunition manufacturers to engrave a serial number on "the base of the bullet and the inside of the cartridge casing of each round" of ammunition for popular sporting caliber center-fire rifles, all center-fire pistols, all .22 rimfire rifles and pistols, and all 12 gauge shotguns.
Again, at this time, there's not a great deal of concern on this one.