The Other Part of Your Concealed Carry Equipment
Carrying concealed on a regular basis tends to require that we make a "shift" in our wardrobe choices. The holster plays an important part in making a variety of carry options practical. This video of Clint Smith's shows a bunch of holsters and carry "systems" at the beginning. Of course, Clint's summary of the whole ordeal is entertaining and educational.
Check The Condition of Your Holster(s)
I know I have been guilty of ignoring my holsters and letting them degrade into questionable condition. Holsters should be considered to be more than just an afterthought. They are an important part of your carry system.
Holsters 101
Galco, a leading brand of quality holster, has a Q&A page on their website that addresses such things as:
Holster Break-In
Care and Maintenance (both leather & polymer products)
and more...
Blending In
Like our clothes, holsters have a situational component to them. How practical a particular holster is, often has to do with the weather, what we are doing, and how many layers of clothing (or lack thereof) we have available to conceal our handgun.
When Bad Things Happen
About a year ago there were some photos making their way around the internet warning about the dangers of buying a leather holster. An accidental discharge caused by a wrinkle in the leather set a fellow's pants on fire. Here is a more civil discussion of the event (with pics).
Although some used that incident to campaign against leather holsters, more importantly, the message drove home the importance of checking your gear to see that it is in good order. Whether it's the condition of the leather, or kydex, we should have a look and make sure the holster is doing what it's supposed to do.
What's a Holster Supposed To Do?
The purpose of the holster is to hold the gun safely and firmly in a place where we intend it to be. For that to occur, the holster has to be in good, predicable, working order.
Off-Body Carry
About a year and a half ago, a woman, here in Tulsa, coming home from work, was robbed and assaulted as she was entering her home. Fortunately for her, she had a snubbie in her purse, was able to get to it, and handled the situation. Purse carry, while it has it's disadvantages, has proven to be a viable means of keeping a gun accessible.
So it is with carrying a gun in a briefcase or day planner type satchel. It is, in my opinion, not the optimum method of carry, but it can and has been effective for some folks.
Other Carry Solutions
One of the first holsters I bought when I first got licensed was a "fanny" pack type holster. It actually works great. It's easily accessible and can be positioned where it works best. Fanny packs are not as common now, and they may be more attention-getting, especially if black colored. It may be advisable to get a colored fanny pack that does not look so "tactical".
There is also a variety of "undergarment holsters" that have pockets sewn into them which will hold a handgun. They are considered "deep concealment" systems in that they are normally not as easily accessible.
Wallet holsters and pocket holsters are also options to consider. In my opinion, everyone should have a pocket holster. Practically all of us have thrown a gun into a pocket at one time or another (and I do it often).
Pocket holsters do three things for us:
1. Keep the gun oriented in a position where it can be accessed.
2. Reduce the "printing" of the gun in your pocket.
3. Reduce wear on your pockets.
Inside the Waistband Holsters (IWB)
Belt carry has been made more viable with a holster that secures to your belt but the body of the gun is actually inside the pant. Some IWB holsters allow you to tuck your shirt in around the gun, fully concealing the gun. Matt (at www.libertydefensesolutions.com) sent me this youtube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gjUknHqvGY&feature=uploademail) that very well shows some of the options available and how they work.
There's no better way to begin and end an article dealing with gun technique by showing a Clint Smith video clip. Clint has a way of communicating these concepts so that you are likely to understand and remember the salient points.
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